• Phone: 469-402-3450 Referral Fax: 469-402-0940
  • 1309 Ridge Rd., Suite 105 Rockwall, Texas 75087

After you’re diagnosed with an end-stage renal disease you normally have 2 dialysis treatment options including in-center and home. However, if considered “non-admission” to the center and not a good candidate for a home dialysis program, you have an important choice to make regarding your dialysis treatment. There are 2 choices for you, treatment in the hospital and treatment at home with staff-assisted hemodialysis. Carefully weighing your options will ensure that you make the best possible decision for your health.

Nurse-assisted home dialysis treatment

Staff-Assisted Home Hemodialysis

While everyone would not qualify for staff-assisted home hemodialysis, by far, this is one of the most effective, easy, and successful hemodialysis treatments. Unlike in-center treatment or home hemodialysis treatment, Staff-Assisted Home Hemodialysis offers you the freedom to receive your dialysis treatment in the safety and privacy of your home/place of residence. The significant advantages are the following:

  1. You don’t need a dialysis care partner, and you will NOT have to perform the dialysis yourself.
  2. Hemodialysis experienced and licensed nurses will come to your home and administer the treatments for you, ensuring that the procedure is done properly and according to your Nephrologist’s orders.
  3. The schedule is arranged between you and your licensed nurse.

Patients who choose staff-assisted home dialysis experienced better patient outcomes, a less stressful dialysis experience, and a better quality of life. If you’re looking for a dialysis option that will give you true freedom, the confidence of safety, and speedy recovery time, then staff-assisted home hemodialysis is an excellent option.

This is the best and most cost-effective treatment for patients that are considered “non-admission” to the center for any reason.

Out-patient dialysis treatment

In-Center Treatments

One of the most popular types of hemodialysis treatment is performed in a dialysis center facility. With this option, you visit a treatment center several times a week for three or four hours at a time. Choosing this option, you need to consider:

  1. the distance to the center;
  2. the availability of a treatment chair for you; and
  3. the day and time you need to have the dialysis.

The moment the schedule is set up, you are locked in for this schedule. If you’re looking for a hemodialysis option that’s more flexible in nature, then in-center dialysis treatment won’t be the best choice for you.



Home Hemodialysis

If you don’t like the idea of going to a dialysis treatment center 3x per week, then there are other types of hemodialysis treatment open to you. Home hemodialysis, for example, will allow you to get the treatment that you need without leaving the comfort of your home. With home hemodialysis, you will need the following:

Your hemodialysis should be via stable and working access and not any other ports like a catheter.

You and a dialysis care partner are needed to be trained by a dialysis nurse to learn how to administer dialysis treatments on your own.

The dialysis care partner, generally your spouse, friend, or family member, should be willing to provide you with care for every treatment.

Although home hemodialysis offers you more freedom than in-center dialysis, it does require you or your care partner to become comfortable with administering the hemodialysis treatment.

Peritoneal Dialysis

Another option for dialysis treatment other than hemodialysis is Peritoneal Dialysis. Like Home Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis is performed at home, and treatment should be completed by the patient daily. For Peritoneal Dialysis, you need to do the following:

  1. A surgeon needs to insert a PD catheter on your abdomen.
  2. A nurse will provide a 3-4 week training to you or your caregiver to perform the procedure.
  3. The treatment can be done in the morning or evening daily.

Patients who choose Peritoneal Dialysis generally feel better. However, there is a need for extra precaution due to a high incidence of infection among patients on PD.

HOSPITAL TREATMENT (Compassionate Dialysis)

If you are not a candidate for outpatient dialysis treatment or home dialysis treatment due to medical reasons, hospital treatment is one option. With this option, you visit the hospital Emergency Room when you become symptomatic like, shortness of breath, and swelling.

You will be considered an emergency patient and a typical Renal lab work will be taken and if you pass the criteria for dialysis treatment only then a dialysis treatment is given. However, if the lab indicate otherwise, you will be asked to come back and no dialysis treatment will be administered to you.

This is the most expensive dialysis treatment option!

Hospital-LTACH-SNF – Nephrologists Partnership (NEW)


Partnering with hospitals, LTACH, and SNF is our utmost core.

We firmly focused our day-to-day operations in partnership with local hospitals, LTACH, and SNF resulting in increasing trust, confidence, and reputation in the staff-assisted dialysis program of Freedom at Home Dialysis. In 2020, Hospital and LTACH Case managers, Socials Workers, and Nephrologists started to include Freedom at Home Dialysis as part of the discharge process for difficult-to-discharge dialysis patients. We have gained an excellent reputation in the local hospitals and LTACH and insurance Case Managers as a dialysis staff-assisted company that can expedite the process of hospital discharge on those dialysis patients that are denied or considered non-admission for in-center dialysis facilities.

Partnering with Freedom at Home Dialysis, you become a Clinical partner of a company that is dedicated to supporting the needs of your patient and growing with you. We work hard for all of our Clinical partners to ensure that dialysis patients are cared for every time.

Here’s what you get from partnering with us:


  • Increase census
  • Better patient care
  • More programs to offer for SNF

For Hospitals

  • Decrease Length of Stay
  • Excellent discharge coordination of the hard to discharge dialysis patients


  • Decrease Length of Stay
  • Freedom at Home Dialysis pro-active participation in the discharge planning

For Nephrologists

  • For patients considered “non-admission” to the in-center facility
  • For temporary or transitional care of patients needing staff-assisted dialysis treatment before returning to the in-center facility as considered in our Admission Qualifier
  • Transitional care patients are mostly followed by their own Nephrologist and they decide when the patient is ready to go back to the in-center facility

For A Total Win for the Patient

  • Licensure Compliance
    Freedom at Home Dialysis adheres to the most stringent regulatory compliance procedures in the industry. Our agency is geared towards the culture of compliance and satisfaction of our patients and their families. We developed a process that is unique to the Staff-Assisted Dialysis Program from referral-admission-equipment install to home or SNF- supply delivery- patient treatment-clinical support
  • Excellent Track Record
    We started the agency in 2013. We fast-tracked and become clinically, operationally, and financially strong. We have expanded to quickly and established a staff-assisted hemodialysis program as a viable option for “non-admission” to center dialysis patients and provide a safe environment for dialysis treatment.
  • Patient Satisfaction
    Freedom at Home Dialysis is firmly committed to ensuring that patient safety and quality of treatment is our utmost goal, EVERY VISIT, EVERY TIME.